What quote am I vibing? "Freedom from effort in the present merely means there has been effort stored up in the past." Theodore Roosevelt
Road Day: 45
Today is just a check-in, and a chores/mental health day for me!
I had my first day at the Mount Shasta Laundromat, and was amused hearing tales of the Pacific Crest Trail hikers who come through town. Shasta is a "Pacific Crest Trail City" so hikers often get packages shipped there, and stay a minute, do things like laundry, and eat real food. It seems the locals have some good stories.
Washed my poor car which has been doing a lot of time on dirt roads.
Bought groceries to fill up my fridge which gives me such peace of mind.
After I settled in at home and finished my workday (I forgot to take my work computer to the laundromat ???), I walked down to the (creek or stream) that flows by our property. The water was rushing in a way I didn't expect given the dry conditions of the area. It was a perfect place to sit and meditate, and Calm's Daily Calm meditation was perfect - about tending to the soil rather than focusing on what will grow. Today was a day for me to tend to the soil that is me, so that I can continue to create beautiful fruits in my travels.
Peace, y'all. California is settling in to me, despite my uppity eastern ways.