What quote am I vibing? "Daylight. See the dew on a sunflower, and a rose that is fading - roses wither away. Like the sunflower, I yearn to turn my face to the dawn. I am waiting for the day." T.S. Eliot, noodged by Andrew Lloyd Webber, from Cats
Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild since Last Post: 51
Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild in 2021: 51
All-Time Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild: 1645
Fresh and new, 2021 awakens. January is about half-way over, and the darkness lingers, but we are waiting.
The goal for this year is to pick up 1,250 pounds of trash, and so far, I am on track to do just that, with Brian's help of course! (And I'm sure the help of many others along the way!)
I love blank slates and fresh starts, and my cleanup activities continue to encourage me to simplify the amount of excess "stuff" in my home, and superfluous buying. The less I have, the more clear and happy I feel. Here's to a simple and productive year!
Tomorrow, I will kick off a week of cleanups - never skipping a day. Hold me to it!