What quote am I vibing? "If the ocean can calm itself, so can you. We are both salt water mixed with air." Nayyirah Waheed
Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild since Last Post: 28
Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild in 2020: 934
All-Time Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild: 1458
I have been trying to re-enter a more regular practice of meditation - I only turn to it when I feel like my brain has nowhere else to go, but I know that if I committed to meditating more regularly, my brain would be more equipped to find a calm place.
Luckily, picking up trash has become a way for me to sort my thoughts and feelings - especially when I have the privilege of cleaning up the beach - the sound of the waves, gentle or otherwise. Very soothing. Regulating to the heart and mind.
During a meditation this week on my Calm app, I encountered the above quote, and it hit deep. The sea is calming because we are the sea. We should take care of the sea because we are the sea.