What quote am I vibing? “The ‘nature-faker’ is of course an object of derision to every scientist worthy of the name, to every real lover of the wilderness, to every true hunter or nature lover.” Theodore Roosevelt ( Definition: One who knowingly promotes humanized and/or exaggerated ideas about animal behavior.) ((Also: What I do on a daily basis and especially on the zoo 😂😂)) <From: http://mentalfloss.com/article/48811/11-words-and-phrases-popularized-teddy-roosevelt >
Road Day: 73
Because I've mostly been in National Parks and Forests, and State Parks, and nature in general, I haven't been to a zoo on this trip! But I love zoos. So I took advantage of this sit-down in Houston to visit the Houston Zoo. It is a GREAT one!!
I've opened my heart to birds recently, because of my friend Wendy in Florida who is a birder, who lent me her binoculars for the trip. :) I haven't done a good job of seeing birds in the wild, but the birds at this zoo were so cool! I usually zip through the section, but today I took the time to enjoy the beautiful colors of some - the weird voices of others - the crazy way some of them look! Sadly, I couldn't get good pictures of any because of the fences. But, I fully enjoyed the beautiful fuzzy heads of the Victoria Crowned Pigeon, the way the Double-wattled Cassowary made me feel like I was in Jurassic Park, the delightful chirping and chittering of the Bali Mynah.
As always, I made a point to see the otters. They were my Mom's favorite animal, and now they are mine. They just seem to enjoy life. Which is what we should all do. I'll let my pictures tell the rest of my stories - it's easier that way with zoos, no?
I also walked around the gorgeous Hermann Park to get some exercise in before the sky completely darkened. It's harder to get my adventures in here in Central Time after work. It was easier when I was three hours behind, and the days were longer. I'll keep doing my best.
Just dancing and enjoying some food...I try to do that as often as I can.
My heart animals