What quote am I vibing? “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” ~ Rachel Carson
Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild since Last Post: 101
Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild in 2022: 719
All-Time Pounds of Trash Removed from the Wild: 3084
I have finally settled down after a month of travel - to Pennyslvania (for family and friends and fall!) and New Port Richie (for the Keep Florida Beautiful conference!) - Hurricane Ian, Hurricane Nicole. But now, life settles down for a little, and stability returns. And cooler temperatures here in Florida??
There is work to be done after Hurricane Nicole chewed up the shores of the Atlantic Coast. I'll look to join others, and get out as I can to get at as much trash out of harm's way as possible in the coming weeks.
While I'm not entirely on track for my goal of 1,000 pounds in 2022 - I'm not so far off that it isn't achievable. Rally time. 😉